Lustau Pedro Ximénez San Emilio Very Sweet Sherry 375ml

  • world-food

Sweet Sherry Deep, dark brown and viscous. Redolent of ripe fruit, figs and dates. Rich, sweet, velvety and soft in the mouth, well balanced, with a long finish showing the wine's great age.Serve b...

Sweet Sherry

Deep, dark brown and viscous. Redolent of ripe fruit, figs and dates. Rich, sweet, velvety and soft in the mouth, well balanced, with a long finish showing the wine's great age.Serve between 12-13ºC in a white wine glass with rich desserts, cakes and pastries, or pour a little over the best quality vanilla ice cream. This wine can also accompany strong blue cheeses, or may simply be enjoyed as a digestif for the sweet-toothed.

This Product Contains

ABV: 17%

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