Leitz Eins Zwei Zero Sparkling alcohol free Riesling 750ml

  • world-food

A very modern alcohol free sparkling wine, which gives you a nice impression of what's already possible in the production of de-alcoholized wines. The taste is almost dry and shows up with nicely e...

A very modern alcohol free sparkling wine, which gives you a nice impression of what's already possible in the production of de-alcoholized wines. The taste is almost dry and shows up with nicely embedded hints of peach and apricot, fresh apples and a full mouthfeel. 

Ingredients List

  • Ascorbic acid
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Dealcoholised wine
  • Grape must rectified concentrated grape must
  • Sulphites

This Product Contains

ABV: 0%

Dietary Info

Nutrition Per 100ml
Energy 97.3 kj / 22.8 kcal
Total Fat <0.5g
Saturated Fat <0.1g
Carbohydrate 5.1g
Sugars 5.1g
Protein <0.5g
Salt <0.01g
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