Leitz Eins Zwei Zero alcohol free Rosé 750ml

  • world-food

EINS-ZWEI-ZERO Rosé is a delicately fruity, tangy and alcohol-free alternative to the ideal summer wine, which is very pleasant in the glass and is easy to drink. In the nose, in addition to the in...

EINS-ZWEI-ZERO Rosé is a delicately fruity, tangy and alcohol-free alternative to the ideal summer wine, which is very pleasant in the glass and is easy to drink. In the nose, in addition to the initially dominant note of rhubarb, there are also subtle hints of rose hips and raspberries. In terms of taste, the EINS-ZWEI-ZERO Rosé really stands out and can compete with "real rosé wines". A very lively acidity gives it the necessary freshness and the accompanying impressions of juicy fruits make this alcohol-free rosé a real summer highlight, which can also be combined excellently with fresh summer salads, pasta and slightly grooved poultry with Mediterranean sauce. We recommend enjoying the EINS-ZWEI-ZERO at a drinking temperature of 10 °,

This Product Contains

ABV: 0%

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