Red Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 15yr 700ml

  • irelands-ancient-east-dublin

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Red Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey has matured for over 15 years in a combination of American Bourbon casks, Spanish sherry butts and Sicilian Marsala wine casks, all contributing in rich and ...

Red Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey has matured for over 15 years in a combination of American Bourbon casks, Spanish sherry butts and Sicilian Marsala wine casks, all contributing in rich and complex flavours, making it the top spot in the range.


Pot Still spices with rich cooked fruit, baked apple, mango and black cherry. Hazelnut and a touch of new leather fuse with toasted American Oak.


A mix of ripe fruit sweetness from the Marsala seasoned wine casks. While the fruit remains, sweet red pepper and cracked black pepper add some spiciness, finished by notes of American Oak and barley.


An extra long infusion of fruits and spices.

This Product Contains

ABV: 46%

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