Viking Irish Orchard Gold Dry Craft Cider 500ml

  • irelands-ancient-east-dublin

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 Handcrafted in the Barony of Gaultier, East Waterford, Ireland. Orchard Gold dry is a blend of vintages using fractional blending process similar to the solera system for sherry. The minimum age o...

 Handcrafted in the Barony of Gaultier, East Waterford, Ireland. 
Orchard Gold dry is a blend of vintages using fractional blending process similar to the solera system for sherry. The minimum age of the cider is two years before bottling. 

Dry on taste with a rounded apple fruit and caramel notes which is lightly carbonated. A cider that is an excellent all-rounder with food. Best served chilled to 10*C. 

This Product Contains

ABV: 5.5%

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